Our Activities
Child welfare
The children of poor community

Women’s empowerment
Women and girls under our attention are the victims of social religious politics. These female belong to backward and minority(Muslim) community. Their lives were bonded with typical vender biasedness No access of education; early marriage; marital torture and violence; etc including poor economy was common incidence in their life. They are identified and selected for training for alternative livelihood and after that, they are approaching to economically independent. Social as well as gender justice are gradually touching their lives through peaceful living.
Programme for older persons
The most respectable and experienced human resources in our community who are holding a significant portion of the total population are living without care and attention. The older persons of rural area are in a critical juncture in present-day society. They are not getting proper care and attention from their younger. With an aim to provide proper space it was conducted sensitization program for school children.

Awareness on Consumer right
It has organized awareness campaign under the banner of " Jags Grahak Jago" for consumer right protection through meeting among the rural population. Average less vamp for the person with :
The organization held the camp for early detection and identification of a person with disabilities where the disabled and their parents were identified and motivated in the minority-dominated area of the district.
Meaningful employment to the unemployed youth
It provides skill training and career guidance to the rural youth for their meaningful employment. Drawing on the strengths and expertise of our partners, be they individuals, government agencies or donors, we have been able to introduce fresh thinking and innovative solutions. Taking a look back, we take pride in what has been achieved so far. This is however just the start; many more results are still to come as implementation progresses. We hope you enjoy reading about the results of our work and cooperation.

Development trends and challenges
Reducing disparities in our society is one of the objectives of this organisation. The consequences of the economic and social crisis are still holding back growth and job creation and continue to affect the economies in many of the beneficiaries and the day-to-day life of their inhabitants, especially the most vulnerable.
Anti Drugs Awareness and Counseling
It has arranged several camps in different schools in Rajabazar, Garden Reach and Metiabruz areas to apprise parents, children and other locals on the abusive effect of drugs and the way to prevent children from taking drugs.

AIDS and Counseling
It has organized and AIDS awareness and counselling programme in its different operational areas. The objectives of these programmes were to appraise young people with dreaded facts about HIV/STDs and AIDS, and to encourage them to support people it: their community who have been infected with these The project is also aimed at equipping young people with life skills to guard them against HIV/STD infection and to promote HIV/STD prevention practices. This programme runs under the banner of " After infection Death is sure, be aware, save yourself.
Economic growth
The entire beneficiary in our target areas remains substantially below the poverty line. Limited or negative economic growth over recent years has led to increased disparities throughout society. Flying come through one of the most severe economic and financial crisis in generations, recovery

Unemployment levels are slowly decreasing but still remain unacceptably high. The crisis triggered an ongoing social crisis and the slow recovery is hampering efforts to reduce the high levels of unemployment. While youth unemployment remains at very high levels, there am some signs of improvement.
Social exclusion
With low or negative growth and low employment rates, the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion remains a concern. Inequalities and discrimination. While progress has been made, wide gender gaps still prevail. The employment rate for women remains well below that of men with women overrepresented in part-time work.

Social education and women rights
It conducts sensitization and education program on gender sensitization, women rights and legal education, anti-dowry, girls trafficking for their social empowerment for both rural and urban women living in the slums area.